Verification and validation’s possibility of DAVID® system as evaluative instrument in orthopaedic diagnostic in the process of reintegration for the work – pilot study
Social Medicine, assessment system, functional capacity evaluation (FCE)Abstract
This research aimed to support the physical assessment and functional capabilities, for the validation of symptoms in orthopaedic diagnoses in the process of reintegration for the work. Analysis of the functional state of the vertebral column of a random sample of 236 patients, through the measurement of the maximum isometric force using the Assessment System DAVID® was accomplished taking into account the socio-economic status of these patients. The test protocol is coherent with the report of the Rehabilitation Center assessment. The data of biomechanical functional analysis were found using the Excel program. In accordance with the brief study developed it is possible to say that there is a significant difference in the development of maximum strength during rotation movement of the trunk (to the right, p = 0,018; to the left, p = 0,046) between the socio-economic groups “employees” or “unemployed” in patients with low back pain. Since the study is not able to demonstrate correlation between chronic pain of the lumbar region and strength development, the concerned pathological special features remains irrelevant.
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