Other forms of control in the suburbs of Brazil: the social peace
Outskirts, Social Control, Power.Abstract
The aim of this work is to punctuate several forms of control used along the history of the western society, as well as it will verify the strategies of control used in societies in which the people are not reached integrally by the formal institutions of control (school, hospital, factory). To elucidate this case we bring like reference Brazil in which the inhabitants of the “favelas” and suburbs are a target of a set of security operations and participation promoted by a capitalism more flexible of the current society of control that it includes to govern and to be governed, where the forms of life are put in the epicenter of the political management besides the walls of the classic institutions when populations or groups are holding a cynical rationality as useful resource for the strategies of social construction of a reality for the control of some population or groups. To exemplify this question, we bring in this article a critical analysis of the National Program of Public Security with Citizenship (PRONASCI) in which we follow closely his application in the district Guajuviras, suburb of the city of Canoas-RS.Downloads
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Recebido em 10 de novembro de 2014.
Aprovado para publicação em 09 de dezembro de 2014.