Adolescence and contemporary social link: between enjoyment and law


  • Altair José dos Santos Universidade Federal de Goiânia


Adolescence, social link, law, jouissance.


The puberty is constituted by an objective reality, by a body in transformation. One treats of a strange body that requires subjectivation and recognition by the adolescent and the adults that surround him. If in the puberty this is the objective reality that is established, in the adolescence there is a subjective reality that pulsates and requires objectification in the strangeness of the pubescent body. In general, the purpose in this reflection is to discuss about the subjectivity of the adolescent and his ways of social link. One intends specifically, to reflect about the adolescent conducts connected to what the social discourse names as conflict with the law.


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Author Biography

Altair José dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Goiânia

Professor da Universidade Federal de Goiânia. Diretor do Corpo Freudiano Escola de Psicanálise  – Núcleo de Goiânia. Doutorando em Psicologia pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia pela Universidade de Brasília.

How to Cite

José dos Santos, A. (2013). Adolescence and contemporary social link: between enjoyment and law. Journal of Psychology, 3(2), 82–87. Retrieved from


