Quadros de um confinamento


  • Carlos Eduardo Laurindo de Sousa Universidade Federal do Ceará


In this year of 2020, still at the beginning of the year, almost in the middle of March, we were all surprised by a piece of scary news. At first, it was not known for sure what was happening and, even with much of Europe in quarantine, it took a long time to get here. But then the order came: total confinement. And more: mandatory use of a mask. All activities had to be stopped. The normal started to be changed. The meetings were canceled and families could no longer see each other so easily. Even as this text is being written, some of the new orders remain, even though it is using the past in its design.



How to Cite

Sousa, C. E. L. de. (2020). Quadros de um confinamento. Passagens: Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Comunicação Da Universidade Federal Do Ceará, 11(2), 240–247. Retrieved from



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