Mercados garantidos, mercados a ampliar e horizontes desconsiderados

estudo de uma cena musical periférica a partir das tensões expressas por seus públicos no Facebook



This article presents an analysis and interpretation of facebook comments expressed by the audience of a pagode baiano’s band who stated their intention to no longer sing lyrics with “obscene” content. In a total of 615 comments on this post, this paper has identified two positioning blocks, each based on a series of arguments, in which this study analyzes the subcategories related to the band's market horizons. What tensions and pressures present in the constitutive dynamics of this music scene can be observed from these comments? What do they also indicate about the social structure from which these audience fractions are configured? This article seeks to contribute to the consolidation of the study area about peripheral youth music scenes and genres and the questions concerning the possible effects of this consumption.

Author Biography

Ledson de Oliveira Chagas, Universidade Federal Fluminense

PhD Candidate of the Post-Graduate Program in Communication (PPGCOM) of Fluminense Federal University (UFF). Scholarship of Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). e-mail:



How to Cite

Chagas, L. de O. (2020). Mercados garantidos, mercados a ampliar e horizontes desconsiderados: estudo de uma cena musical periférica a partir das tensões expressas por seus públicos no Facebook. Passagens: Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Comunicação Da Universidade Federal Do Ceará, 11(2), 6–26. Retrieved from



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