Mediação da leitura e mídias sociais durante a pandemia de Covid-19




Mediação de leitura, Leitura em ambientes virtuais, Leitura literária, Pausa literária


Outlines a study on reading mediation and reader participation in literary projects, developed during the COVID-19 pandemic, in virtual environments. The proposed research question is: how do subscribers (readers) interact and dialogue with publications that deal with socio-emotional issues, developed in the relationship between reading, the reader and what is read? The research aims to analyze the interactions and appropriations of reading that take place through the participation of readers of the public that accompanies the posts of the Pausa Literária project, developed in collaboration on Instagram. The methodology used is based on a case study, specifically that of the Pausa Literária (@pausaliteraria.ce) project, which was born with face-to-face popularization actions for students of the Library Science course at the Federal University of Ceará and, with the said pandemic, migrated to the virtual environment in 2020, thus expanding and diversifying the target audience. We describe this text in order to briefly expose the theoretical and pedagogical concepts towards which we are guided and then present the paths taken by the project in social media, as well as the analysis of the results of this initiative.


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How to Cite

DE QUEIROZ BARRETO, Damaris; CAVALCANTE, Lidia Eugenia; FERREIRA DE SOUSA, Laiana. Mediação da leitura e mídias sociais durante a pandemia de Covid-19. Informação em Pauta, [S. l.], v. 8, n. esp, p. 14–29, 2023. DOI: 10.36517/2525-3468.ip.v8iesp.2023.89211.14-29. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 feb. 2025.



Dossiê Mediação, Circulação e Apropriação da Informação - GT 3 ENANCIB