Educator leadership and educating empowerment as instrumentalization in the ethical-moral-social construct under the freirian perspective


  • Eduardo Martins de Arruda Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Hugo Medeiros Souto Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Wilson Honorato Aragão Universidade Federal da Paraíba



Education, Leadership, Empowerment, Freirean praxis


Leadership and empowerment are themes widely discussed in organizational contexts. However, when it comes to the application of these concepts in the pedagogical context, more precisely in educator-educating relations, they are revealed as still incipient fields, lacking in studies and scientific research. Thinking about the importance of these themes in pedagogy and supported by the life and work of Paulo Freire, this study aims to understand the interpersonal relationships present in educational environments and how they can be improved and inspired by principles present in his legacy, such as love, justice, freedom, humility, critical thinking and ethics. For that, the theoretical revision of concepts such as leadership, empowerment, education and pedagogy based on the study of the Freirian work was used as method. We can understand that the school no longer configures itself as the sole or even the main place where the manifestations of teaching-learning take place. Consequently, the role of educator no longer focuses on the classroom teacher. Learning can take many forms, often as an unconscious process, in which the responsibility of educating lies in all who transmit knowledge and interact with those who receive it. From the closer analysis of leadership and empowerment relations between educator and educator, the result was that responsibility for the construction of a more humanistic and egalitarian society rests with each individual who is in the role of educator, enabling the students to develop a critical and instrumental world reading, based on Freirian principles and the awareness of reality itself, making it capable of transforming it.


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How to Cite

ARRUDA, Eduardo Martins de; SOUTO, Hugo Medeiros; ARAGÃO, Wilson Honorato. Educator leadership and educating empowerment as instrumentalization in the ethical-moral-social construct under the freirian perspective . Informação em Pauta, [S. l.], v. 4, n. especial, p. 176–191, 2019. DOI: 10.32810/2525-3468.ip.v4iEspecial.2019.42613.176-191. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 feb. 2025.

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