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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript is being presented in the format indicated by the journal, in other words, in the template.
  • The registration at ORCID was made and informed in the author's profile data in the journal. The purpose of obtaining a digital identifier for authors that should be informed in their registration in the journal "Informação em Pauta" is necessary to proceed with the submission.

Author Guidelines


The registration on the system and further access, through login and password, are mandatory for work submission, as well as for following the editorial process in progress. Access an existing account or Register a new account.

Terms of submission

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify the conformity of the submission regarding every item listed below. Submissions which are not in accordance with the norms will be returned to authors.

  • The contribution is original and unprecedented, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, must be justified in "Comments to editor".
  • The manuscript is being presented in the format specified by the journal, namely, in the template.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographical requirements described on Guidelines for Authors, on the page About the Journal.
  • URLs for the references were informed whenever possible.
  • Registration on ORCID was completed and informed on the author's profile data in the journal. In order to carry on with submissions, authors need to obtain a digital identifier, which must be informed in the registration in the Informação em Pauta journal.
  • In case of submission to a section with peer evaluation (e.g., articles), the instructions available on Ensuring blind peer evaluation were followed.

Guidelines for Authors

The originals submitted to the journal must strictly fulfill the criteria below. Conflicting collaborations will be rejected.

1) Before sending the manuscript to evaluation and proceed with the submission process, we request authors to register on ORCID with the purpose of obtaining a digital identifier, which must be informed in the registration in the Informação em Pauta journal. For more information about ORCID, click here.

2) All manuscripts to be considered for publication in Informação em Pauta must be in the article template and be submitted exclusively electronically. It is necessary prior registration through the link in order to submit articles: For those already registered, only electronic article submissions will be accepted, on the following link:

Through this service, authors can submit an article and follow its status during the entire editorial process. Such submission method ensures greater speed and security in your manuscript submission, speeding up the evaluation process.

When it comes to proofreading and referrals the journal differentiates between:

- Documents that have been rejected;

- Documents that will be reevaluated after the making of corrections, wich will be solicited to the authors.

In case of referrals the journal reports to the author that his paper has been rejected and that if he or she wants the editors to reconsider such decision the author could make adjustments deem necessary and resend them. However, this will be considered a new submission, thus a new number is going to be generated for the document in the system.

In case of revision the author must rewrite and/or make the necessary changes based on the recommendation and suggestions of the reviewers. Then the author must resend the file for a second review – the number of the document needs to be informed so we can inform the final opinion ( acceptance or rejection).

Proofs will be sent to the correspondent author so the text can be carefully checked. Changes or editions to the edited document will not be allowed in this stage of the editing process. The author must send back the corrected proofs within the maximum term of 5 working days after being upon receiving.

The accepted papers will make up the numbers of the journal following the schedule in which they were submitted, reviewed and accepted or yet the judgment of the editorial board.

This journal uses Double Blind Review, that is, the omission of the identities of the authors and reviewers on the ruling of the originals.


We hereby inform that the papers published by this journal shall comply the guidelines about the Ethics and Integrity on Scientific Practice established by the Committee designated by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) through the Decree PO-085, of May, the 5th of 2011, as well as the recommendations of the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which aim to encourage the identification of plagiarism, misconducts, frauds, possible ethics violations and opening of proceedings, thus we state that:

      1.The author must visit the website of COPE, which contains information for the authors and reviewers about ethics in research;

  1. Before the submission, the author must meet the following criteria:

- Papers that contain the acquisition of data or analysis and the interpretation of data of other papers must have references;

- On the writing of papers that contain a critical review of the intellectual content of other authors such authors must be properly cited;

- All authors must meet the criteria of original authorship of the paper and none of the researchers involved on the research could not be omitted on the list of authors;

- The final approval of the paper will be done by the editors and the editorial committee.

  1. In order to correspond those criteria, some steps will be taken:
  • - The manuscripts will be evaluated trough plagiarism detectors software right after the submission;
  • - With the results, the editors and the editorial board will decide if the manuscript will be sent to a peer review process where evaluations are made;
  • - After acceptance and before publishing, the articles might be evaluated again.

The journal doesn’t accept plagiarized material. For the purposes of this policy, plagiarism is defined as a copy of a work previously published - which includes texts, images and data - from others or from yourself if there’s not the proper assignment of authorship. Remember that it’s necessary to provide the proper assignment in all the cases on which there’s some material previously published in your paper. On these cases, when plagiarisms are detected before publishing, the manuscript will be declined. On the cases in which plagiarism is detected after publishing, the published article can be retracted or removed, and a note will be published with the cause.

If you want to learn more about plagiarism, it’s recommended to consult the Cartilha sobre plágio (Plagiarism booklet) produced by UFF.

Informação em Pauta endorses ethics and integrity in scientific practice, therefore, when you submit a manuscript for publishing, the author(s) assure that the privacy, dignity and integrity of the people involved in the research is being respected, as well as the ethic precepts for researches involving animals is being obeyed. Where appropriate, it must be on the article the favorable opinion of Research Ethics Committee of the institution from where the authors are associated.


All the authors must reveal any kind of conflict of interests that exists during the research development.


Informação em Pauta, as well as any other free and open access publisher, waits for the authors to send their manuscripts with no major issues; no typos, spelling, grammatical or stylistic errors. Therefore, the journal reserves the right of requesting an additional review and editing of your manuscript where is necessary.



Despite efforts, errors might occur, and a correction be made in due course, considering the authors and editors responsibility. Informação em Pauta will publish a correction if the publication had been seriously damaged in any aspect, such as: accuracy or meaning, the reproducibility of the scientific research, the author’s reputation or the journal’s reputation. Corrections that do not materially affect the contribution or that do not significantly alter the reader’s comprehension about the contribution, such as spelling or grammatical errors, those will be corrected, but will not be notified on publication. When a substantial correction is published, this will be bounded to the article and flagged for the readers to have access to the original work and to the correction.


Informação em Pauta reserves the right to retract any article that might disrespect the ethical principles of scientific research, such as: infringement of the code of ethics and professional conduct, multiple submission, imprecise authorship claim, plagiarism and self-plagiarism, dishonest use of data, among others. It will a public retraction, which means that the article will not be removed or hidden in any way. Thus, the article will be available with a warning and a sign indicating that it was retracted. Retractions may occur, for instance, if the editors and editors’ board deem that the main conclusion of the work is compromised. It can also happen if there is new information about the paper indicating flaws that neither the authors nor the editors were aware of at the time the paper was published.


There are circumstances which might require that a manuscript is removed. This will happen when the article is judged as defamatory by the editors and the editors’ board. It will also happen if the article infringes legal or authorship rights,  if there is the possibility of the manuscript becoming part of a legal process, among others. Bibliographical information about the article will remain online. However, the work itself will no longer be available. A note will be uploaded indicating that the article was removed due to legal reasons.


Informação em Pauta encourages authors who have submitted their work for publication to make the data used in the research available, as well as the data that was originated from the research. For this policy’s purposes, “data” are widely understood and referred to as the results of a research (qualitative and quantitative data), which include: notes, observations, social configuration analyses (numbers, texts, images, multimedia, and other content), numbers collected with different instruments and other ways of raw data collection, quantitative analysis, data mining, text mining, citation and bibliographic data analysis, protocols, methods, and codes used to generate any specific findings in the research, among others. The journal’s Editorial Board suggests that the data are uploaded to our platform as additional files at the time of submission. It is also suggested that the data are stored in repositories that provide an identifier (for instance, DOI – Digital Object Identifier), that ensure that the data will be available in the long run, and that provide all documentation and metadata necessary to support the reuse of the data by other researchers, following the principles of Open Science, transparency, and access to information. We also suggest as acceptable parallel solutions the upload of data to institutional repositories that provide autoarchive function and that do not have a strict or closed policy of data inclusion. However, we still recommend that the data are inserted in repositories specifically designed for dataset storage. We also inform authors that the data included as additional files at the time of submission must describe how the data are being curated and made available for others. In case the data cannot be made available, the reasoning must be explained in written form. Anyhow, the appropriate citation for a dataset in the article must be made following the data citation principles provided by FORCE11, a Data Citation Synthesis Group: Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles, available at: data-citation-principles-final.

An ORCID should be included to the data associated researcher(s). It is recommended that the authors attribute a Creative Commons or Open Data Commons license and explicitly define their data reusing terms.

About the repositories explicitly focused on data creation and management or themed repositories, the following options are suggested:

Multidisciplinary Data Repositories:

Dataverse (Ibict):

Dataverse (Harvard):




To learn more or search other data repositories, see re3data:

Data Repositories by subject:

Data Repositories by country:

Data Repositories in Brazil:[]=BRA 


There will be no publishing costs and we do not charge a paper processing fee.


Papers should be submitted in .doc or .docx format and Open Office, page size A4 (21 x 29.7 cm), leading line 1.5 cm (single space in citations), body 12, Cambria type, and for citations longer than three lines the font should have size 10 and 4cm indentation of the left margin, from 15 to 25 pages. The text must be submitted within the available template, through the link:

It is the responsibility of the authors to review the articles according to the Portuguese language standard. However, the journal team reserves the right to make normative, spelling and grammatical changes in the originals in order to maintain the standard language and the credibility of the vehicle. The authors' style of writing will nonetheless be respected. Changes, corrections or suggestions of a conceptual nature will be sent to the authors, when needed.


Articles may be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish. When translated into English or Spanish, we suggest that the text be revised by someone who is fluent in the language, preferably a scientist in the field or a professional who is qualified to correctly translate the manuscript.

Manuscript and formatting types

Original Article: It should report original researches that have not been published or submitted for publication in any others scientific journals. It should present results of empirical, experimental or conceptual research. It must contain from 15 to 25 pages; summary with up to 200 words which express the topics of Introduction, Methodology, Results, and Conclusions. A minimum of three keywords and a maximum of six should be provided.

Review Article: It should be a critical analysis of recent advances and not just a literature review. It should contain from 15 to 25 pages; summary with up to 200 words which express the topics of Introduction, Methodology, Results and Conclusions. A minimum of three keywords and a maximum of six should be provided.

Experience Report: It should report activities and experiences encountered by the researcher(s), providing contributions to the focus area. It should contain from 15 to 25 pages; summary with up to 200 words which express the topics of Introduction, Methodology, Results and Conclusions. A minimum of three keywords and a maximum of six should be provided.

Interview: Interviews should be up to eight pages long; summary, abstract, and keywords are not required.

Review: It should be limited to three pages. The condition required by the journal is for the books which are the object of review to be current and with a maximum of 2 years of publication.

Dissertations and Theses Summaries: It should contain the dissertation or thesis reference, with indication of a link for access, if possible. In addition to that, it should have up to 500 words, and it should contain abstract and keywords. EXCLUSIVE TEMPLATE FOR DISSERTATIONS AND THESES SUMMARIES, click here.

Essay: It should be up to twenty pages long and it should contain summary, abstract, and keywords.

In Memoriam: It is a section for posthumous homage to professionals of Library Science, Information Science, and other related areas. It should have a minimum of three pages and a maximum of six which dispense summary, abstract, keywords, and references. It should include a photograph of the honoree which indicates the photo source and a brief call, for instance: “Posthumous homage to Professor Aldo Barreto, for his representativeness, for his great contribution and legacy left for the Library Science and Information Science area. EXCLUSIVE TEMPLATE FOR IN MEMORIAM, click here.

Title: It should be concise, clear, and as informative as possible. It should not contain abbreviations and it should not exceed 200 characters, spaces included. An English and a Spanish version of the title should be presented.

Summarized Title / Short Title: It should contain a maximum of 70 characters for purposes of subtitling on printed pages.

Authors: Authors should not be identified in the text file sent for submission. Authors will only include their names when registering on the journal platform, in direct order and without abbreviations, what higher graduations they have, as well as records in databases such as ORCID and ResearcherID, if they are on them, backed by respective address with contact information (telephone, address, and e-mail for the corresponding author), and all co-authors.

The authorship has legal and scientific implications, and only those who effectively participated in the entire research and writing process of the scientific work should be named as authors. The authorship order of submitted papers to Informação em Pauta must follow the contribution given to the paper and not the alphabetic order. The authors must ensure that the paper was not previously published or it is not being considered to be published in another journal. The authors may be invited to provide the names and contacts of three potential unbiased proofreaders.

Abstract: it must follow the recommendation for the type of paper (Original Article, Review Article, and Experience Report). The abstract text must not have quotations, formulas or acronyms. It must also be presented the English version if the article is in Portuguese or Spanish (resumen).

Keywords: They must be shown right below the abstract, following the type of submitted article. It is recommended the minimum of three to the maximum of six keywords as well as their respective translations. They must be separated by periods. For keywords choice we recommend consultation at Tesauro Brasileiro de Ciência da Informação, Catálogo de Autoridades da Biblioteca Nacional, Tesauro de Ciencias de la Documentación, UN Bibliographic Information System Thesaurus: UNBIS.

Illustrations: Illustrations as charts, tables, photographs and graphics must be included in the text as close as possible to the excerpt to which it refers to alongside its order number. They must preferably be submitted in a 300-dpi minimum resolution. In case they are already published, they must mention the source and send the reproduction permission. These elements may also be sent as supplementary documents during the article’s submission. 

Nomenclature: The use of standardized nomenclature in all fields of science is an essential step for the integration and linking of scientific information in the published literature. We recommend using correct and established nomenclature whenever possible.

Citation: Informação em Pauta (IP) adopts the NBR 10520 for citations, however, we do not follow the numeric system of citations. The author-date system must be used for citations and the elaboration of the list of references must follow the alphabetical order.

Direct citation up to 3 lines:

According to the NBR 10520 (2002, p. 2), it is a "Literal transcription of part of the consulted author's work". As such, what we recommend is that all textual elements, such as orthography, graphic signs, punctuation, and others, be strictly respected, working as a kind of faithful copy of the ideas revealed by the author in question. The short quotations with up to three lines are inserted in the text, between double quotes. In this kind of quotation, one is required to provide information of the page range.



Le Coadic (2004, p. 26) refers metaphorically to the information as science's "sap", that is, "Precious fluid, continuously produced and renewed, information only matters if it flows, and above all, if it flows freely".


"The idea that the mind works like a digital computer and that the latter may function as a model or metaphor for conceiving the human mind emerged in the 1940s". (TEIXEIRA, 1998, p. 35).

Long direct quotation:

The direct quotations with more than three lines must appear in a distinct paragraph, with simple spacing between the lines, 4 cm indentation of the left margin and written in font 10.



For Barros and Lehfeld (2000, p. 107):

Citations or transcriptions of bibliographic documents work towards the strengthening and support of the researcher's thesis, or to document their interpretation. What should one quote? Components relevant to the description, explanation or thematic expositions. With what purpose should one quote? So that the investigator can refute or accept the reasoning and exposition of a support author [...].


Citations or transcriptions of bibliographic documents work towards the strengthening and support of the researcher's thesis, or to document their interpretation. What should one quote? Components relevant to the description, explanation or thematic expositions. With what purpose should one quote? So that the investigator can refute or accept the reasoning and exposition of a support author [...]. (BARROS; LEHFELD, 2000, p. 107).

Indirect citation:

Indirect citations is characterized as a type of paraphrase of the ideas of a specific author through another author’s words while preserving the same meaning. The page interval information in this type of citation is optional.


Regardless of our recognition, according to Apple (1994 apub MOREIRA; SILVA, 2002), the curriculum, as well as the educational matters, seen under a generalized point of view, are still connected to historical aspects related to social class, race, gender, and religion conflicts, not only in the United States, but also in other countries.


Regardless of our acknowledgment, according to Apple (1994 apub MOREIRA; SILVA, 2002), the curriculum, as well as the educational matters, seen under a generalized point of view, are still connected to historical aspects related to social class, race, gender, and religious conflicts, not only in the United States, but also in other countries.  (APPLE, 1994 apud MOREIRA; SILVA, 2002).

Citation of another citation (apud):

Follow the same rules of direct and indirect citation.

Citation of another citation (direct citation)


According to Apple (1994 apud MOREIRA; SILVA, 2002, p. 39), “Whether or not we acknowledge it, the curriculum and the most generic educational matters have always been connected to the history of social class, race, gender, and religious conflicts, in the United States as well as in other countries”.


“Whether or not we acknowledge it, the curriculum and the most generic educational matters have always been connected to the history of social class, race, gender, and religious conflicts, in the United States as well as in other countries”. (APPLE, 1994 apud MOREIRA; SILVA, 2002, p. 39).

Citation of another citation (indirect citation):

In Gough’s serial model  (1972 apud NARDI, 1993), the action of reading involves a serial processing that starts with visual fixation upon the text, moving from left to right in a linear manner.


The action of reading involves a serial processing that starts with visual fixation upon the text, moving from left to right in a linear manner. (GOUGH, 1972 apud NARDI, 1993).

References: The list of references must be in alphabetical order.


Entire book (One author):

LE COADIC, Yves-françois. Ciência da Informação. 2. ed. Brasília: Briquet de Lemos, 2004. 124 p.

Entire book (Up to three authors):

FRANÇA, Junia Lessa; VASCONCELLOS, Ana Cristina de. Manual para normalização de publicações técnico-científicas. 7. ed. Belo Horizonte: Ed. UFMG, 2004.

Book chapter:

MUELLER, Suzana Pinheiro Machado; PASSOS, Edilenice Jovelina Lima. Introdução: as questões da comunicação científica e a Ciência da Informação. In: MUELLER, Suzana Pinheiro Machado; PASSOS, Edilenice Jovelina Lima. Comunicação Científica. Brasília: DCI/UNB, 2000. p. 13-34.

Electronic journal article:

SILVEIRA, Murilo Artur Araújo; BAZI, Rogério Eduardo Rodrigues. As referências nos estudos de citação: algumas questões para discussão. DataGramaZero: Revista de Ciência da Informação, Rio de Janeiro, v. 10, n. 4, ago. 2009. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 out. 2012.

For further examples, check the following norms:

ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. NBR 6022: Informação e Documentação - Artigo em publicação periódica científica impressa - Apresentação. Rio de Janeiro, 2018.

ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. NBR 6023: Informação e Documentação – Referências - Elaboração. Rio de Janeiro, 2018.

ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. NBR 6028: Informação e Documentação – Resumo - Apresentação. Rio de Janeiro, 2021.

ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. NBR 10520: Informação e Documentação – Citações em documento - Apresentação. Rio de Janeiro, 2003.

ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. NBR 6024: Informação e Documentação – Numeração Progressiva das seções de um documento escrito - Apresentação. Rio de Janeiro, 2003.

INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DE GEOGRAFIA E ESTATÍSTICA. Normas de apresentação tabular. 3. ed. Rio de Janeiro, 1993.


Certificate of Authenticity

If the manuscript is approved, the authors must send a certificate informing the title of the article and they need to declare that the manuscript is an original paper and that it hasn’t been published or it’s not been considered to publication in any other print or electronic journal.

The authors must also declare that:

  1. They had enough participation to make their content responsibility public;
  2. The use of any trademark or copyright in the manuscript was properly referenced and the credit was properly given to the owner or the permission to use his/her name was ceded, in the cases where is necessary.
  3. The certificate must be signed, dated and sent through email to:


Standard section policy

In Memoriam

A section where a posthumous tribute is made or an obituary of professionals and personalities in the areas of Library Sciences, Information Sciences and related fields.

Copyright Notice

Authors published on this journal agree with the terms below:

  1. The authors keep their copyrights and give the journal the publication right, with the paper simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, with the proper authorship and publication acknowledgment.
  2. Authors have authorization to make separately additional contracts, for the distribution of a non-exclusive version of the paper published on this journal (e.g: publish on an institutional repository or as a chapter of a book), with the attribution of authorship and first publication on this journal.
  3. Authors are allowed and stimulated to publish and distribute his paper online (e.g: on institutional repositories or on his own personal website) at any time before or during the editorial process, since this might create productive alterations, such as increase the impact and the quote of the published article.

Privacy Policy

The names and addresses in this journal will be exclusively used to the services provided by this publication. They will not be available to other purposes or a third party.


Política padrão de seção

In Memoriam

Seção dedicada a homenagens póstumas / obituário de profissionais e personalidades das áreas de Biblioteconomia, Ciência da Informação e áreas afins.

Dossiê VIII SITRE - GT 19

Trabalhos apresentados no VIII Simpósio Internacional Trabalho, Relações de Trabalho, Educação e Identidade (SITRE), GT 19: Trabalho e formação profissional nos campos da informação e da cultura, evento realizado no mês de novembro de 2020, sediado em Belo Horizonte-MG, em formato virtual.

Editores convidados: André de Souza Pena e Gabriela Belmont de Farias.

Conferências VI Sinforgeds

Conferências e palestras ministradas durante o VI Seminário Internacional de Informação para a Saúde (SINFORGEDS 2021).

Oficinas VI Sinforgeds

Oficinas ministradas durante o VI Seminário Internacional de Informação para a Saúde (SINFORGEDS 2021).

Dossiê Mediação, Circulação e Apropriação da Informação - GT 3 ENANCIB

Seção destinada à publicação do Dossiê Mediação, Circulação e Apropriação da Informação - GT-3 ENANCIB, número especial da IP no ano de 2023.

Oficina OJS

Artigos para testes na plataforma.

Privacy Statement

Your personal information will be used solely for the services provided by this journal and will not be disclosed or sold to third parties.