Los desplazamientos del otro en África y Portugal en A costa dos murmúrios y O vento assobiando nas gruas de Lídia Jorge
This article makes a reading that contemplates the situation of those displaced by the hegemonic systems in A costa dos murmúrios and O vento assobiando nas gruas by the Portuguese writer Lídia Jorge. Despite being set one in Africa and the other in Portugal, both novels present conflicts with displacements of beings that faced invasions and wars. This work focuses on the colonization of African nations, which mobilized, first, settlers who occupied territories for their exploitation and, later, the military and their families to support that occupation. Later, with the declaration of the independence of the African countries, a new type of diaspora will be seen: that of immigrants. In addition, it discusses how the colonization of the African nations, together with the domination of their peoples and the administration of production by the exploited raw materials was not enough to make Portugal one of the rich countries of Europe. From this frustrating situation, new mobilizations would emerge. Based on the theoretical assumptions of critics of post colonialism such as Stuart Hall, Frantz Fanon and Margarida Ribeiro, among others, the representation of the displaced human beings is analyzed.