A morfossintaxe como intersecção de Língua e Literatura a partir de Conceição Evaristo
In the view of the needing for PCNs to work with texts of different genres for the development of reading and writing skills, the relation between Portuguese and Literature, aiming at linguistic proficiency, becomes an urgent matter. In order to relate these two fields in the area of the Languages, starting from the textual materiality of two basic literary genres: the novel and the poem, in this paper I present a possibility of methodology for working with morphosyntax, relating important themes of the word of Conceição Evaristo and the grammatical component. Based on the assumption of language as a mechanism of interaction between subjects, through Textual Genres and Pragmatics as a guiding principle of the intentions of verbal production, in this paper I make some analysis of examples to point out a possible teaching methodology for the Portuguese teaching in Basic Education.