The body is also a political agent

resistance to Military Civil Dictatorship through movie Tatuagem


  • Stella Ferreira


Military Civil Dictatorship, Tattoo


The article proposes a brief discussion about Cinema and History seeking to perceive this object as a source of research for the construction of historical knowledge and its potentiality to explore various themes in historiography. In the second part, we will discuss the issue of homosexuality in the period of the Brazilian Military Civil Dictatorship (1964 -1985). Using as the main source, to elucidate this subject, will be used the film Tattoo made by director Hilton Lacerda. Having in mind that the regime established in Brazil with the coup of 64 was repressive not only in the political sphere, but also in the social field and that sought to curtail both gender and sexual freedoms, we will seek through the chosen audiovisual material to address some issues. in which characters resisting the government explore these themes. In addition to this audiovisual material we will bring some studies that are also dedicated to thinking about the problem of the Brazilian dictatorship that sought to maintain a conservative moral among citizens.



How to Cite

Ferreira, S. (2020). The body is also a political agent: resistance to Military Civil Dictatorship through movie Tatuagem. Em Perspectiva, 6(1), 67–86. Retrieved from



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