“Women of Brazil” or terrorists?

the many representations of women during the Military Dictatorship (1964-1985)


  • Ayssa Yamaguti Norek


Military Dictatorship, Women, Gender


This paper aims to propose a discussion about women, militancy and crime during the Brazilian Military Dictatorship. Thus, we intend to discuss how women were viewed by the military regime itself, based on well-defined social roles and a moral discourse that acted strongly on society; how they were framed within militancy from a discussion based on the military's perspective and the masculinity of militancy; and by themselves, based on the movements of women which were formed in the that period. The goal, therefore, focuses on drawing an overview of the performance of these women from sources and a current
bibliography that deals mainly with the category “gender”.



How to Cite

Norek, A. Y. (2019). “Women of Brazil” or terrorists? the many representations of women during the Military Dictatorship (1964-1985). Em Perspectiva, 6(1), 26–40. Retrieved from



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