Anita Garibaldi

the construction of a heroine in popular biographies (1849-1999)


  • Helen Lemos Bregantin


Anita Garibaldi, Biographies, Popular


The present work describes the ways in which the historical personage Anita Garibaldi went through transforming into heroine, from her death in the year 1849 to the year 1999. The cut goes through two centuries, but the vision of Anita as a heroine was slow to manifest, perceiving significant changes from the mid-twentieth century. The period passes through the Republic, the immigration of the Italians until the commemorations of the 500 years of discovery of Brazil, which launches the biography of Paulo Markun, "Anita Garibaldi - a Brazilian heroine" (1999). In addition to the biographies that contemplate different moments of the journey to be traversed in search of Anita - heroine, documents that collaborate to analyze the context, the origin of the source and, finally, the transformation process of the Brazilian heroine. Military statements were found that fought on the opposite side of the Garibaldi couple, where they boasted of Anita and her courage as early as the 19th century. Newspapers such as the "Correio Mercantil" in Rio de Janeiro, "The Federation" in Porto Alegre and "Diário da Tarde" in Curitib were abe to contribute not only to statements by people, but also to plays about Anita, memories of decades and centenarians of death and memos for the woman she was present.



How to Cite

Bregantin, H. L. . (2019). Anita Garibaldi: the construction of a heroine in popular biographies (1849-1999). Em Perspectiva, 5(1), 146–172. Retrieved from



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