Entre Sylyon e Quazgaa

ficção científica, sátira pulp e ditadura militar na obra A Ordem do Dia (1983) de Márcio Souza


  • Rosangel de Freitas Machado Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE)


Ficção Científica, Ditadura Militar, Extraterrestres


This article aims to analyze the science fiction novel The Order of the Day (1983), from the perspective of the relationship between literary theory of science fiction and historiography, researching the work as a satirical critique of the military dictatorship, using characteristics of pulp and serial literature, as well as the behaviors present in the Brazilian Armed Forces. We also propose to discuss the historical context that relates to the elements chosen by the author to prepare his book, such as the “chupa-chupa” case and Operação Prato. Furthermore, the presentation and structuring of some central characters is present, understanding them as representing perspectives on everyday life and the functioning of the military dictatorship, at the same time as understanding themselves as characters in a work of science fiction.



How to Cite

de Freitas Machado, R. (2024). Entre Sylyon e Quazgaa: ficção científica, sátira pulp e ditadura militar na obra A Ordem do Dia (1983) de Márcio Souza. Em Perspectiva, 10(2), 147–165. Retrieved from