gender relations and negotiation networks in Vila de Limoeiro (1850-1884)


  • Luciana Meire Gomes Reges Universidade Federal do Ceará


Gender Relations. Family Wealth. Negotiation Networks.


This study analyzes the process of sharing the inventoried heritage in Vila de Limoeiro (CE), at the thresholds of gender relations, in a socioeconomic approach. The processes in which evidence is made explicit to enable the understanding of family relationships, as well as the social roles occupied by men and women who starred in these clashes and disputes in the second half of the nineteen, in Vila de Limoeiro. The appreciation of the local socio-patrimonial dynamics, which was based on the studies of Material Culture and the processes of sharing of goods, which allows thinking about the formatting of the family economic system, as well as the socioeconomic standards that configured Limoeiro's daily life. In this way, most of the owners and lieutenants / colonels had their social and economic roles reconfigured, in view of the relationships constituted in the 1877-79 drought experience, which in 1879 inaugurates a new political logic based on public aid and assistance from the government. Drought becomes a state problem.




How to Cite

Reges, L. M. G. (2024). SHARING SHARING PROCESSES : gender relations and negotiation networks in Vila de Limoeiro (1850-1884). Em Perspectiva, 9(2), 60–78. Retrieved from



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