Mine, yours and our homeland

school books for teaching history in the 1920s


  • Raquel Alves da Silva Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Fortaleza


History teaching, Textbook, Homeland history


The aim of the present article is to examine two didactic materials indicated for use in the teaching of the History of Brazil in the primary schools of Ceará in the 1920s and 1930s. The intention is to think about the writing about the national and local history for the children present in the Publications indicated for school use from the New School perspective. In particular, the books Minha Pátria, by João Pinto e Silva (1889-1950) and Nossa Pátria, by Rocha Pombo
(1857-1933), will be analyzed. Of the books present in the list for use in schools in Ceará the two volumes cited above have the simplest language and the texts soften the events of the past in the form of comic strips on national history. The purpose of these civic-minded works consists in the thought that love of the motherland would avoid intrigues among Brazilians. In addition, the study of didactic works allows observing how the teachers and educators of this
period constructed their practice without the specific formation in History.



How to Cite

Silva, R. A. da. (2017). Mine, yours and our homeland: school books for teaching history in the 1920s. Em Perspectiva, 3(1), 161–179. Retrieved from



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