Eva Perón and Argentine populism

appropriations and interpretations


  • Isabela Candeloro Campoi
  • Ivana Aparecida da Cunha Marques


Peronism, Argentina, Eva Perón


The present article analyzes the role of Eva Perón (1919-1952) in the History of Argentina. To this end, it is aimed to contemplate peronism, the populist argentinian movement, in the midst of the historical and political transformations of Latin America, emphasizing its most notable and recurring aspects. The first lady Eva Perón led and conducted the movement for conquest of the women’s vote in Argentina, in a way that it is sought to comprehend her role in this process. It is intended to analyze the historiographical interpretations about Evita and how her figure, especially after hear death in 1952, is being appropriated by different social and political groups, which sometimes sanctify her, sometimes vulgarize her in the popular memory of Argentina.



How to Cite

Campoi, I. C., & Marques, I. A. da C. (2020). Eva Perón and Argentine populism: appropriations and interpretations. Em Perspectiva, 6(2), 25–42. Retrieved from



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