Union of Ceará Women

i'm on my own, but i'm better off with you


  • Sarah Pinho da Silva
  • Allana Letticia dos Santos Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


Military dictatorship, Gender, Ceará Women's Union


During the Brazilian military dictatorship, established in 1964, various organizations emerged to combat the repressive regime. These institutions were persecuted and many of them annihilated by the dictatorship. Amid the persecutions, arrests and tortures that marked the history of the military regime, the movement known as the Second Wave of Feminism reemerged in Brazil in the mid-1970s. After this, different feminist organizations were created in the country. In Ceará, the first one created was the Ceará Women's Union, developed in 1979, which sought to combine the feminist struggles with the demands of fighting the military dictatorship and the class struggles. Thus, we analyzed the emergence process of the organization, its discussion agendas, the adhesions to the movement and the relevance of the organization for the advancement of feminisms in Ceará. Through the narratives of the women who integrated the organization and the dialogue with the Oral History, which allowed the access to the discussions about the memory, the identification and the
subjectification process of these subjects, it was observed, therefore, the relevance of this entity for the subjects of Ceará’s feminisms.



How to Cite

Silva, S. P. da, & Santos, A. L. dos. (2019). Union of Ceará Women: i’m on my own, but i’m better off with you. Em Perspectiva, 6(1), 10–25. Retrieved from



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