Gender and the writing of history

reflections on feminism, race and criticism of coloniality.


  • Maria Clara Martins Cavalcanti


Crítica à colonialidade, Escrita da História, Gênero


The construction of historical narratives - never allegedly neutral or universal - is in itself it is only a political task and therefore a field in dispute. Postcolonial studies and Although not born in the epistemic field of history, they have contributed to the criticism of the monopolization of these narratives and of the system of representations imperialism and colonial practices. At the same time, important feminist theorists have called attention to the importance of considering gender issues race, class and nationality in discussions about the permanence of colonial oppressions that endure in Latin American countries. Thus, this article aims to reflect on the contributions of postcolonialism, decolonial studies and the feminist critique in the context of the production of a writing of history that deals with thematic related to gender, race and class in an imbricated manner. For this, I take as a point of the writings of important non-white feminist theorists who from different countries of the America have contributed to the decolonization of epistemologies, past readings and political propositions for the present. In addition, this article hopes to approximate the production of black intellectuals in Brazil, such as Lélia Gonzalez, Conceição Evaristo and Sueli Aries of the writing of decolonial feminists in other parts of Latin America, pointing to the fact that, although commonly unexplored, there is a profound criticism of the coloniality also in the production of Brazilian black feminists.




How to Cite

Cavalcanti, M. C. M. (2020). Gender and the writing of history: reflections on feminism, race and criticism of coloniality. Em Perspectiva, 6(1), 191–207. Retrieved from



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