The gender category in historical researches about the Midlle Ages

fron challenge to reality


  • Priscila Cardoso Silva


Portugal, Middle Ages, Gender


This article has as central purpose to give contributions to the gender and power questions related to the period of the Late Middle Ages, evocating the image of Beatrice of Castile, a little-known queen in the Lusitanian and, especially, Brazilian historiographies. Taking as sources the Chronicle of D. Dinis and the Chronicle of D. Afonso IV, both developed between the end of the fifteenth century and the beginning of the sixteenth century by Rui de Pina, this paperwork analyses a royal exaltation discourse that has as principal narrative the reign of the father-in-law of the Castilian, the king D. Dinis of Portugal, historically situated between the second half of the thirteenth century and the middle of the fourteenth century. The article, then, intends to focus in the representation of Beatrice constructed by the chronicler during the development of his works.



How to Cite

Silva, P. C. (2020). The gender category in historical researches about the Midlle Ages: fron challenge to reality. Em Perspectiva, 6(1), 229–246. Retrieved from



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