Cuba and United States of America

migratory crises


  • Uelma Alves da Silva


Migratory crises, Cuba, The United States of America, Fidel Castro


The aim of this article is the migratory crises between Cuba e United States of America after the Cuban Revolution that forces both countries to maintain dialogue across the years and show the point of view of Fidel Castro about this process. In the early century, he made an interview to Ignacio Ramonet that was published in his own book called Fidel Castro: My Life: A Spoken Autobiography (2016) the result of 300 hours of this chat. Among the subjects that were discussed the migratory crises from Cuba to the United States of America was a topic discussed by them. The three migratory crises that marked the Cuban history are Camarioca (1965), Port of Mariel (1980) and the Balseros Crises (1994). Fidel Castro also discusses The Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966, which guaranteed the legal entry of Cuban people to the United States, an act of encouragement for the emigration of Cubans to the United States.



How to Cite

Silva, U. A. da. (2019). Cuba and United States of America: migratory crises. Em Perspectiva, 5(1), 387–399. Retrieved from



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