The historical-social construction of the trabesti subject


  • Antonio Simão Cavalcante UECE
  • Noélia Alves de Sousa


Body. Gender identity. Transvestites.


To think about the constitution of today's society is to plunge into a complex and multifaceted world of uncertainties and breaking the paradigms that, for so long, supported the ways in which we had explained the social world, ourselves, identities. Thus, this article seeks to understand, from History, the process of construction of transvestites as subjects allocated in discourses themed by gender, social stigmas and trans (in)visibilities. The textual construction took place from a bibliographical research, seeking to understand the construction of the transvestite subject as a social and cultural phenomenon, from the discourses elaborated by authors that allowed us such construction: Benedetti (2005), Bento (2002), Borruso (2001), Butler (2002, 2006, 2010), Kulick (2008) Miskolci and Pelúcio (2007), Moita Lopes and Fabrício (2013), Peres (2015), among others. Thus we address non-hegemonic gender identities by analyzing the forms that bodies use in claiming gender, as well as gender performativity and transvestites.



How to Cite

Cavalcante, A. S., & Sousa, N. A. de. (2020). The historical-social construction of the trabesti subject. Em Perspectiva, 6(1), 292–321. Retrieved from



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