Adelaide Carraro's literature between "truth" and fiction (1963-1993)


  • Adriana Fraga Vieira


Fiction, Truth, Literature


In the early 1960s a young writer appeared in the literary scene of the country with an autobiographical work that promised readers the revelation of secrets and political intrigues involving former president Jânio Quadros. With the commercial success of the first publication, she adopted the formula that consecrated her and continued writing new stories based on the "naked truth". Between autobiographies and novels he published forty-eight books in three decades exploring themes connected with the social, political and economic reality of the country. For exploring thorny themes for the time was the first author censored by the civil-military regime of 1964 and the third with more books seized. Even relegated by literary criticism and accused of leftist, communist and pornographer by censors and more conservative segments; his literature became a selling success among the popular classes, who consumed this cultural product through purchase by postal reimbursement. Always presenting herself as a writer of "truth" and rejecting that of fiction writer was eventually labeled "damn writer." This article discusses some of the labels that marked this literary production and the relation between reality, "truth" and fiction from the point of view of the writer.



How to Cite

Vieira, A. F. (2019). Adelaide Carraro’s literature between "truth" and fiction (1963-1993). Em Perspectiva, 5(1), 09–24. Retrieved from



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