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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

  • Scientific papers

The scientific paper should be the result of original and unpublished academic research, and should not be in process of evaluation for publication by any other journal or book. The text should be presented with a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 pages. The publication of more extensive works will be conditioned to the authorization of the Editorial Board of this periodical.

  • Reviews

Reviews must be from books published in the last 5 years, and contain at most 3 (three) pages.

  • Formatting of texts (in general)

The text should be justified; Times New Roman 12; A4 sheet with upper and left margins of 3 cm and lower and right margins of 2 cm; the paragraph should start with a left indentation of 2 cm; line spacing 1.5 cm.

  • Title

Title of the paper in Portuguese or original language (centralized, bold, Times New Roman 14, no line spacing); name of the author or authors (maximum two) below the title (Times New Roman 12) with footnote indication of a brief summary of the curriculum (maximum of six lines, Times New Roman 10) with e-mail for contact.

  • Abstract

Abstract (with the title of the paper in English above) of 150 to 350 words (Times New Roman 10) with information that allow an adequate characterization of the paper as a whole. In the case of scientific papers, the Abstract should inform the objective, methodology applied, main results and conclusions.

  • Keywords

A maximum of 5 words will be represented after the Abstract (Times New Roman 10). Words will be chosen from the text and not necessarily from the title.

  • Citations

Bibliographic references, after citation, will follow the standard (AUTHOR, YEAR, PAGE) and full references, if it is of the author's preference, should be indicated in footnote (see ABNT rules).

When there are two authors, only the surname of the first one will be quoted, followed by the expression "et al.": Soares (2004, p 123), Soares and Feijó (2000, p.765 ), (Soares and Feijó, 2000, 321), Feijó et al. (2004, p.65), (Feijó et al., 2000, p.8).

Direct citations, with more than three lines, should be highlighted with a 4 cm indentation of the left margin, Times New Roman 10, single space without quotes (ABNT: NBR 10520).

  • Footnotes
The footnotes should be in Times New Roman 10 with a special displacement of 0.5 cm.
  • Bibliographic references

The list of bibliographic references will be presented in alphabetical order by surnames of authors, according to the ABNT / NBR-6023 standard of the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms. Reference is made to the last name of the author (s) followed by the surname (s), except those of Spanish origin or double entry, with the last two surnames being recorded. All authors should be cited.

Anonymous works are entered by the title of the article or by the entity responsible for its publication. The reference must be left-aligned, and the second line begins below the first character of the first line.

Below are some examples of Bibliographic References.

  • Journal papers:

FABIAN, E. P. A relação entre método e política em Hegel a partir de A Sociedade Aberta e seus Inimigos de Karl Popper. In: Revista de Ciências Humanas, Frederico Westphalen, v. 7, n. 8, Jun. 2006, p. 157-174.

  • Books

ARISTÓTELES. Metafísica. Tradução de Leonel Vallandro. Porto Alegre: Editora Globo, 1969.

  • Book chapters

NICOLAU, M. F. A. O movimento dialético na introdução ao sistema da ciência – O prefácio a Fenomenologia do Espírito. In: CHAGAS, E. F.; UTZ, K.; OLIVEIRA, J. W. J. (Org.). Comemoração aos 200 anos da “Fenomenologia do Espírito” de Hegel. Fortaleza: Edições UFC, 2007, 127-144.

  • Theses (doctorate) or dissertations (master's degree)

BAFFA, Manoella. A Forma da Metafísica: sobre a história na obra tardia de Heidegger. Tese de Doutorado. Rio de Janeiro, PUC, Departamento de Filosofia, 2005.

  • Papers presented at congresses, meetings and seminars

SANTOS, Fernando Santiago dos. Os jesuítas, as ervas medicinais e os índios brasileiros: estudo preliminar da Triaga Brasílica (séc. XVIII)II Encontro de Filosofia e História da Biologia. Anais. São Paulo, Ed. Mackenzie, 2004, p.19.

  • Tables and Illustrations

Tables and illustrations (graphics, photographs, drawings) should be presented in the last pages of the paper, one on each page.

  • Reviews

Papers will have the following revisions before publication: 1) Technical review by ad hoc consultant; 2) revision of Portuguese and English by professional reviewers; 3) Final Review by the Editorial Committee; 4) Final review by the author (s) of the text prior to publication.

Note: All texts will be submitted for the opinion of the Scientific Council, in the form of double anonymity. The Council may suggest to the authors of selected texts changes in structure or content.

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The names and addresses reported in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not available for other purposes or third parties.