A Inserção Previdenciária do Negro no Contexto Brasileiro do Capitalismo Financeiro


  • Filipe Costa Leiria


slavery, black, insertion, job, pension


The present article proposes the hypothesis of a kind of racial ethnic Brazilian social security apartheid with roots in thetransition from the slave regime to modern capitalism. Initially, some theoretical aspects about the insertion of the black populationin the job market are explored from the end of the 19th century. Subsequently, through multivariate regression statistical models,empirical evidence of this unequal insertion is evaluated, based on public information bases on pensions received from socialsecurity institutes or the federal government. In the third stage, the same models are used to assess inequality of access to otherforms of retirement and pension, more associated with the transition from industrial capitalism to financial capitalism. Finally, thefinal considerations are presented where, in summary, it appears that the disadvantage of access to social protection for the blackpopulation in the transition extends financial capitalism, reproducing the same segregations of slave-based roots.







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