The exemplarity of the Roman case in face of Rousseau’s theory of popular sovereignty



Rousseau. Rome. Popular Sovereignty. Legitimacy.


The present study aims to analyze the case of the Roman republic discussed by Jean-Jacques Rousseau in the chapter on Roman voting assemblies, in the last book of the Social Contract, and contrast it with the theory of popular sovereignty present in the same work. The case of the Roman republic was especially significant for Rousseau, being conceived by him as a reference for a republican state, which would have represented the viability of his principles. However, the historical case of Rome republic illustrates how divergences can occur between theory and practice, which limited, to a certain extent, the cohesion and sovereignty of its people.

Author Biography

Eduarda Santos Silva, Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)

Doutoranda em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG). 


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