Extension at the Classical Culture Center of the Federal University of Ceará



Extension. Classical Culture Center. Federal University of Ceara.


The Classical Culture Center, linked to the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the Federal University of Ceará, was established through RESOLUTION Nº. 2/CONSUNI of February 28, 1992 by the then Magnificent Rector Professor Antônio de Albuquerque Sousa Filho. The Classical Culture Center is also a group of the CNPq directory, a research group of the Brazilian Society of Classical Studies - SBEC and an Extension Program of the Federal University of Ceará. The founders of the Classical Culture Center were Professors Eleazar Magalhães Teixeira and José Alves Fernandes (in memoriam), founding members of SBEC. They are responsible for spreading Classical Studies in Fortaleza and throughout the state of Ceará. Through SBEC, we became aware of other Classical Studies researchers in Brazil and many foreign researchers, whose works we only knew. Revista Classica follows the history of SBEC and the formation of the Classical Culture Center as well as other Classical Studies centers and groups in Brazil. Throughout its thirty-one years of history, NUCLASS has developed and continues to promote a series of activities aimed at disseminating Classical Studies in Ceará and Brazil, such as extension courses in Greek, Latin and Greco-Roman Mythology, thematic weeks, lectures, publications and study groups. One of the most important events in the NUCLASS calendar of activities, as well as that of the Federal University of Ceará itself, is the Classical Studies Week which, every two years, proposes a topic for discussion and debates, both by teachers and students and, in this way, mobilizes the university and Fortaleza community around a common axis of discussions focused on reflection on Classical Studies.

Author Biography

Ana Maria César Pompeu, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Doutorado em Letras Clássicas pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Professora Titular da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). Presidente da Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Clássicos (SBEC) (2020-2021).


ARAÚJO, O. L.; POMPEU, A. M. C. Anais XXIX Semana de Estudos Clássicos: mundos antigos, perspectivas modernas, recepção e autoria. Fortaleza: Substânsia, 2020.

BROSE, R. de; ARAUJO, O. L.; POMPEU, A. M. C. Oralidade, escrita e performance na Antiguidade. Fortaleza: Expressão Gráfica Editora, 2013.

POMPEU, A. M. C.; ARAÚJO, O. L.; BROSE, R. de. O riso no mundo antigo. Fortaleza: Expressão Gráfica e Editora, 2012.

POMPEU, A. M. C.; BROSE, R.; ARAUJO, O. L.; OLIVEIRA, R. A. Identidade e Alteridade no mundo antigo. Fortaleza: Expressão Gráfica e Editora, 2013.

POMPEU, A. M. C.; SOUSA, F. E. de O. Grécia e Roma no universo de Augusto. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2015.

POMPEU, A. M. C.; SOUSA, F. E. O.; ARAUJO, O. L. Anais XXVIII Semana de Estudos Clássicos: o feio e o torpe na Antiguidade e sua recepção. Fortaleza: Substânsia, 2017.





Dossier Transpositions in Antiquity Studies(s)