Nietzsche and Heidegger: truth, value and foundation




Nietzsche. Heidegger. Truth. Value. Plea.


Heidegger posits Nietzsche as the last metaphysician, in a line that can be traced back to Plato and who has historically displayed a cover-up of being. In this article we will seek to address Heidegger’s criticism of Nietzsche with the aim of realizing that it is sustained from a cut of the Nietzschean value-truth relation. The central hypothesis will maintain that, while Heidegger seeks to position – from the aforementioned clipping - his criticism in analytical-argumentative terms, it unfolds rather from the value that each author gives to the truth in terms of foundation.

Author Biography

Alonso Zengotita, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Doctor y profesor en Filosofía por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), docente de la Facultad de Psicología de la UBA, becario postdoctoral del Conicet. Trabaja en el área de filosofía contemporánea, especialmente alrededor de la temática de la biopolítica y la interrelación entre filosofía y psicoanálisis.


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