Testimonial injustice in Recordações do escrivão Isaías Caminha: a study on the effects of the epistemic vices





Testimonial injustice. Epistemic vices. Racial prejudice. Social epistemology. Lima Barreto.


In this paper we argue that testimonial injustice, as theorized by Fricker (2007), is a category of epistemic vices whose harmful effects on the intellectual life are far vast and deep than others. To achieve this, we analyze cases of testimonial injustice caused by racial prejudice in the novel Recordações do escrivão Isaías Caminha (1909), written by Brazilian author Lima Barreto. The objective is to show how testimonial injustice, understood as a kind of epistemic vice, has negative consequences which affect not only the process of inquiry but human values. This article is divided into two sections. In the first, we classify epistemic injustice as a type of epistemic vice, with regard to its effects, based on the works of Fricker and Cassam (2019). The second section is dedicated to an examination of the aforementioned novel of Lima Barreto, with the aim of providing a practical application of the theories discussed previously.


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