The communicative action and grammar of the subject pronominal: the equitable intersubjective recognizing
Communicative action. Pronominal grammar. Subject coauthors.Abstract
The theory of communicative action presumes the recognition of all of the concerned. In the inter-subjective relations, it recognition receive all of the subjects as coauthors. The use of the pronominal persons is fundamental. The grammar of pronominal subject requires the equity between all personal pronouns. This article intends reinforce the inter-subjective recognition between coauthors subjects. It is an aspect inherent of the Habermas’ theory. It is especially important in the theory of communicative action. When he insists about the community of communication, he emphasizes that none subject can be considered as a no one. The central case of the inter-subjective recognize of all subjects in the community of communication. By this, it can be possible overcome the philosophy of conscientiousness, and the sophistication of a communication without subjects.References
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