Assessment of nutritional quality of the silages biological waste of fish stored for 30 days and 90 days at room temperature
Norival dos Santos
Universidade Federal do Ceará
Ronaldo Sales
Universidade Federal do Ceará
fermento biológico, período de armazenamento, temperatura ambiente
Two ensilages A and the B for biological method with idential composition and formularization had been elaborated, however, in different times.56% of residues had been of fished of sea waterss, 30% of wheat flour as carbohydrate source,10% of biological ferment and 4% of salt.After total homogenization the biomass remained 06 days in condition of anaerobiosis until stabilization of pH in 4,5.To the end of this phase, the humid biological ensilage was established, which was displayed to the sun to the temperature of 30 a 33°C for discontinous hours,until total drying. The determination of the centesimal composition carried through during phases- residue, humid ensilage, had been presented satisfactory, mainly in the dry product, for having high concentration of nutrients.When the dry ensilage A was 90 days of elaboration the ensilage B, reached the 30 days of processing.The centesimais compositions of both had presented sufficiently similar and of very next value caloric.In relation to nutritional characterization,the ensilage can be observed that small variations occurred in texts of minerals,aminoacids,and greasy acids, when the ensilage A was compared with the ensilage B.